Monday, April 7, 2008

A Great Mann

This is in honor of a fallen friend, Doug Mann. Doug was a rare gift to a lot of people. Full of life, humor, compassion and a passion for life, Doug was a friend to so many people. Many of them needed a friend very badly. As a family therapist, Doug helped many people through some difficult times. If you walked into a room full of people, he'd made you feel like the most important person in the room!
Although his profession was family therapy, his serious hobby was firearms and marksmanship. A few months ago, Doug decided to make a career change from family therapist to security guard in the Middle East! Not an easy transition! But with his expert marksmanship skills, Doug was hired! He "broke into" that fraternity that is usually composed of ex-military or ex-cops! That speaks to his abilities, and passion.
Doug died March 9th, not in the Middle East, but back in the mountains that he loved so much. Doug loved his dogs, horses, friends, and his wife more than everything else.
He will be missed by many people. He'll be remembered as a great Mann! Semper fi, Doug! We'll be looking for you on the other side!

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