Friday, May 30, 2008
Traditional Meal

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Poetry in Dhi Qar
Here is an example:
Destinies by Mahmud Al-Braikan
The liner is at anchor beside the dock
It rests with its decayed hulk,
Within its interior it hides
The rust of the eras.
It was by sailors left long ago,
And it sides are re-enameled,
It is decked with lamps lined
Up in the air,
And coloured paper birds.
And it reposes at the dock
A restaurant afloat,
It is here where the no-comers
Rejoice at the smell of the sea
From within the smell of the delicacies,
And they cast across the tables
Their looks at a sole life-buoy.
Music in Dhi Qar

Monday, May 19, 2008
Ziggurat of Ur

I'll have several stories to share from my recent trip to Dhi Qar Province, I hope you enjoy them all.
Today I visited the ancient ziggurat near the ancient city of Ur. "What's a ziggurat?", I said as our hosts told us that we were taking an archaeological adventure before leaving on the plane. Here's the answer from Wikipedia:
"Ziggurats were important to the Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians of ancient Iran and Mesopotamia. The earliest examples of the ziggurat were simple raised platforms that date from the Ubaid period during the fourth millennium BC, and the latest date from the 6th century BC. The top of the ziggurat was flat, unlike many pyramids. The step pyramid style began near the end of the Early Dynastic Period. Built in receding tiers upon a rectangular, oval, or square platform, the ziggurat was a pyramidal structure. Sun-baked bricks made up the core of the ziggurat with facings of fired bricks on the outside. The facings were often glazed in different colors and may have had astrological significance. The number of tiers ranged from two to seven, with a shrine or temple at the summit. Access to the shrine was provided by a series of ramps on one side of the ziggurat or by a spiral ramp from base to summit. Notable examples of this structure include the Great Ziggurat of Ur and Khorsabad in Mesopotamia.
The ziggurats had no internal chambers. they were almost always square or rectangular, where one side was upwards of 170 feet (50 meters) long.
The Mesopotamian ziggurats were not places for public worship or ceremonies. They were believed to be dwelling places for the gods. Through the ziggurat, the gods could be close to mankind, and each city had its own patron god. Only priests were permitted on the ziggurat or in the rooms at its base, and it was their responsibility to care for the gods and attend to their needs. The priests were very powerful members of Sumerian society.
There are 32 ziggurats known at, and near, Mesopotamia. Twenty-eight of them are in Iraq, and four of them are in Iran. "
We visited the ziggurat near Ur, in the southern region of Iraq. It was a hot day, and the landscape around the ziggurat looks like the moon, devoid of vegetation. Standing on top of the ziggurat gives one a view of some remains of structures in the immediate vicinity. It was so quiet and lonely, and difficult to imagine that thousands of people must have worked on this site some 4,000 years ago! Yes, this ziggurat was built around 2100 B.C.!!Locals claim that the prophet Abraham was born in this very location, but that's unproven, of course. Regardless, this is an awesome, historic site that reflects the intelligence of this ancient civilization.
Top photo: Ziggurat of Ur, see the man standing on top? That gives you an indication of the size of this....all made from mud bricks!!
Middle photo: Me, standing on top of the Ziggurat of Ur.
Bottom photo: A photo from the top of the ziggurat of Ur, looking down to the next level, with the surrounding terrain in the background.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Warming Up!
Singing on our Knees
As special as his visit was, it was just the first event of a special night. Lately, the International Zone has come under rocket and mortar fire. It started on Easter Sunday, and I suspect this wasn't a coincidence, but an expression of disdain for Christians. Regardless, things have been a little "on edge" lately.
Whenever there is an alert for an in-coming rocket, we hear this loud WAAA-OOOO-WAAA-OOOO-WAA-OOOO over the speaker system. Standard protocol is to head to the nearest concrete bunker, or to simply "hit the dirt". Earlier in the service last night, we sang a new song, "No, Never Alone". It's an upbeat, "gospelly" song that makes you want to clap your hands or tap your feet. Last night, a few minutes after Canon White had spoken, we were just starting to stand up to sing this song again, when the alert went off.....WAAA-OOOO-WAAA-OOOO-WAAA-OOOO!!!!! The chaplain (who's an army colonel) instructed us to get on the floor. So, we all got onto the floor, most of us simply got on our knees and tried to "hide" behind our chairs. My friend, Manilka, was sitting in the row of chairs in front of me and we were like a couple of school boys peeking at each other between the chairs. As we settled into this position, listening for any explosion, someone started singing the chorus to that song. Within an instant..... spontaneously, we were all singing...... as best we could given the position that we were in....on our knees with heads lowered. At that moment, I don't think there was an ounce of fear left in the building. Here we were, on our knees, but singing a song entitled, "No, Never Alone". How could we fear anything? We continued singing, finishing the song while still on our knees. Then we stood up and continued the service. It was a very surreal experience!!!! A few of us who were there last night have mentioned how the events of May 4, 2008 will always remain with us. I know that I'll always remember the night we sang on our knees in church in the International Zone, just a mile down the street from our Christian friends at St. George's Episcopal Church. I'll always remember the fear that they have to endure daily, and pray that they know the words to the song "No, Never Alone".
To read about St. Geoge's Episcopal Church, go to: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81799_94311_ENG_HTM.htm